Wednesday 1 July 2020

Is your Ostomy Gear ready for more Riots?

I am in no way insinuating that you should be rioting or joining any protest that has any intention of not following the Federal and State laws.  What I am getting at goes much further beyond that simple act of criminal activity. I am talking about the fact that Ostomy Supplies may no longer be able to be delivered to your location if rioting occurs. This is a real fact now and in many cities we have been subjected to criminal activity for days or weeks and the local governments refuse to step in and let police do their jobs.  The governments are actually insinuating violence and crime.  This means one has a major problem in the politics of the United States and Two this could absolutely affect your ability to get medical supplies on a regular basis.  So let's go over a few things that may help deal with this now very real possibility. 


I want to talk about what has already happened so we may learn from the actualities and facts.  In some major cities the citizens who lived in the city were most affected by the riots and violence.  This is because local stores were burned to the ground and thousands of criminals were roaming the streets in the guise of peaceful protesters committing acts of violence.

 With no police action taken, it left all the good lawful citizens with no protection and none coming for days and in some cases weeks. There are still parts of the United States that are now abdicating from all law and are run by local mobs.  This means that zero supplies are being delivered and no stores are open. 


With this possibility and sad truth of what has happened we must prepare to ride out the storm if it occurs. So what this means is that you need to have enough Ostomy Supplies on hand to survive for at least a week, and if you are really safe up to three months of time.  This means you need to have all this already stocked up and stored away and keep rotating through the gear so you don't go past expiration dates. Now I do not suggest everyone go out and buy three months' supply at once. This would actually hurt the market and maybe even cause some people to not be able to get their gear at all. But slowly start building up that supply over time, but start now.  Be safe, stock up, and be prepared.

Long Bikes Rides with an Ostomy

Bike riding is certainly a fun thing to do. It is a great way to exercise and also spend time with people.  Family bike riding is a big thing for many families in this country and lots of us like to be together while doing something.  Staying fit and being with family is just a cool bond to have and I highly suggest giving it a try.  Now if you have a stoma I suggest that you keep up with working out and exercising.  I do suggest you get the correct ostomy supplies and then you will be able to not have any issues.  Just get high quality ostomy supplies and remember to get out and bike.  So what are some of the areas that I like to bike and the types of conditions I like to do it on?


The most fun thing to do on a bike to me is mountain biking.  There really is nothing like strapping up the right gear and finding an adventure ride that will shock your senses.  Luckily I live next to one of the best mountain bike trails in the state. Surprisingly it is actually in the city and built around a park that is really nearly unknown and dedicated to biking only. This trail is beautiful and crazy fast.  That is what makes getting out more fun.


Adventure and speed can take a regular bike ride and turn it into an adrenaline pumping wild day.  That is the best part of mountain biking and having that fun with family is a great bond and a really good way to increase the family dynamic and go through a lot of lessons. Biking can be hard and painful. If you are tired it takes work and pain to finish off the trail and sometimes it really is not fun. But it is the challenge and overcoming things you may not like to build character and life lessons. Many things in life are really hard. Biking with an ostomy can even be a bit of a challenge, but these are great ways to learn lessons. I love being able to go through it with my family and be able to help when times are hard and learn when they are good as well.


Now sometimes it is simply fun to just go out and ride for fun.  My wife and I like to hop on our bikes and go and get ice cream and that is a really fun way to workout, and burn off some of the ice cream we are about to eat and also to talk and get through things that happened in the day and week and some of our future hopes and plans as well. So biking is great and I suggest you get a bike and enjoy the fun that can come with it.

Friday 11 May 2018

Business Owner with an Ostomy bag

I was about to graduate college with a career already lined up and then it all changed. I

have decided that change is quite normal in one's life, but I am not as crazy about change as

some may think. As an entrepreneur, I am very familiar with how change is often necessary for

progress to happen. When it comes to the change in our physical body we often fear the

outcome of that scenario so much more.

Almost 20 years after I started my own theming and designing company I didn’t think that life could get any better. 2016 was a pivotal year for my wife and me. Colon cancer was not what we wanted to hear when I woke from the colonoscopy I had insisted on having. You see your body has a way of letting you know when something isn’t right. We are the ones who have to decide to listen. We were in Tennessee observing the build of our vacation home. How difficult it was to call my family and notify them of this news. We were overwhelmed from the beginning with the support that was piled on in heaps. Surgery was scheduled and cancer removal was the plan.

When I woke from the surgery I found that I was not the same as I went in. I had been

fitted with a colostomy bag that I believed was an absolute last ditch effort in this cancer

prognosis. To say that I was freaked out would have been an understatement. I was nowhere

even prepared for that to be the end result. However, I am a very educated and resourceful

individual so I knew that this prognosis was not terminal, but would be one needing an

adjustment period that my wife and I would learn to navigate together with the help of my family

and company leadership team.

Life changed slowly actually because I was financially stable and could take whatever

time was needed to heal and learn what I needed to do to make life as simple and successful as

possible. My company was able to still maintain itself without me being directly involved. This

was a needed departure to heal and learn about my new appendage. The colostomy bag was a

part of me and therefore became like any other thing that needed to be taken care of. Vision

issues meant contacts or glasses. Crooked teeth meant braces or a retainer. Everything

seemed quite doable at this point in my life.

I can’t begin to put into word the thoroughness that the medical staff exhibited in every

detail of my healing. The colostomy bag was not as daunting as I thought it would be. The

recovery was overwhelming at first for my wife and me but we knew we had such a strong support system and knowledge of what has happened that we would be able to tackle this head-on. Medical procedures in this day in age are nothing like they were when I was a child. I am

thankful for the expertise that I was given to make my life almost identical to what it was. We

don’t have to make things more difficult, we just need to be open to learning every aspect of the

opportunities, hurdles, problems that are placed in front of us.

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Is Doing Exercise a Safe Practice for Ostomates?

Ostomy surgery changes a patient’s life dramatically. A person has to go through a sudden change. The new lifestyle changes everything. The surgery affects the physical health, natural process of a human body, mental health, physical activities, social activities, sexual life, and professional life. For the new ostomates, the operation brings negative impacts on the mind and body. Generally, the ostomy impairs a patient’s overall life and psychological health. 

Therefore, a person has to face so many daily life challenges. It gives a drastic change regarding every single thing of life like diet routine, professional life, traveling, sports, shopping, social gathering, and any other physical activity. However, despite every challenge, a patient can perform activities that involve physical exertion and efforts. However, a person can get back to the previous lifestyle after the approval of his doctor or nurse. Once the stoma gets settled and a patient gets used to the new lifestyle, then he/she can do anything he wants or was doing before the surgery.

When it comes to exercise, an ostomate has to be careful. However, after a few months, a person can get back to the previous lifestyle and do exercise too. Well, the following are the exercise an ostomate can do after the approval of the healthcare and under the guidance of the specialist.


Lifting or weight bearing is one of the toughest exercises. With the age, muscles, and bones of a person get weaken; therefore, this exercise depends on the age factor. If an ostomate is a young person, he can lift the weight after the training. However, for overage, it is not a safe job to perform.

Well, according to the doctors, an ostomate should not lift the weight for a few weeks of the surgery. A patient can get back to the weight lifting after twelve or fifteen weeks of the operation.

Core Muscles Exercise

Core muscles exercise is useful for the strength of muscles. It gives ease in performing daily physical activities. However, an ostomate can perform this after the 10 weeks of the surgery. It will help in improving the posture of the backbone. It gives relief from the backache. Moreover, this exercise involves abs, back, and pelvis jobs. The most common exercise for the core muscles is six abs.

You may perform core muscle exercises at home. However, for ostomates, it will be better if they seek professional help. Especially, for a few weeks, they should do this under the eyes of specialists, but after some time they can do this at home.

Abdominal Crunches

After the ostomy surgery, the muscles of the abdomen get weaken because of the constant inactivity. Therefore, this exercise will help them to get back in action. However, this can cause pain or other complications if the stoma of a patient is not healthy or new. Moreover, for hernia patients, it is a risky exercise. Therefore, before thinking of the crunches, you should consult your health care. However, do not pressurize your body with the 100 or above crunches. Do small sets of the exercise under the proper guidance. This will exhaust the body; however, commence the crunches after the four or five months of the surgery.

Walking and Jogging

The walk is one of the easy and safest exercises a patient can perform. Therefore, an ostomate can walk after a few days of the surgery. But, jogging is not safe in the initial days. Therefore, avoid running and fast exercise right after the surgery. Well, an ostomate should walk as much as he can. It will improve the cardio, activate the muscles, helps digestion, and enhance the overall body condition.

Sports and Swimming

It is a myth that an ostomate cannot play or swim anymore. Well, a patient should do rest and take care of the stoma in the initial months. But after four to five months, you can get back to every activity whether it is swimming or any other sport.

Is your Ostomy Gear ready for more Riots?

I am in no way insinuating that you should be rioting or joining any protest that has any intention of not following the Federal and State l...